Inland Dredging Services Ltd
Inland Dredging Services Ltd are a specialist dredging contractor based in the Midlands. The company has been established since 1991 and specialises in the maintenance of inland waterways throughout the United Kingdom and Europe.
Utilising our extensive fleet of equipment, we have completed nationwide dredging contracts for companies such as Tarmac, Cemex, ICI, The Environment Agency, local authorities and private estates.
Nationwide Dredging Service
We provide a nationwide service for a wide variety of environments from inland waterways to industrial sites. These include:
• Lakes
• Rivers
• Canals
• Quarries
• Marinas
• Ponds
• Moats
• Industrial Waste Lagoons
Dredging assists with ongoing water maintenance by removing accumulated sediments and weeds from the waterway. Sediment removal is beneficial for improving water quality and restoring the health of aquatic ecosystems.
Our company is recognised as one of the leading dredging contractors in the UK and the only dredging contractor to specialise with Mud Cat dredgers. The Mud Cat allows work to be undertaken with minimum disturbance to the surrounding environment and the dredged material can be pumped up to a mile away.
Dredging Operation
We, at Inland Dredging Services Ltd, provide a wide range of equipment to assist with water maintenance. This primarily includes Mud Cat dredgers along side floating and land based excavators.
Our links within the industry allow us to offer a full range of services from initial survey through to disposal of dredged material and landscaping if required; this includes the building of lagoons.
We assess all our clients needs on an individual basis to ascertain which method of dredging offers the best budgetary value and minimal environmental impact along with the options of both daily and contractual rates.